MCA Spectra'2024
TechneZarre organized intra college technical event named SPECTRA 2024 on 12/09/2024 with the aim of Igniting Innovation.
The students of department of computer Applications organized an intra-college guest lecture programme- SPECTRA 2024” in the theme of “ Big Data Analytics” on 12th September 2024. The event was aimed to helps organizations make better business decisions by analyzing large amounts of data to find patterns, trends, and insights. A total of 96 students participated in various technical and non technical events like paper presentation, quiz,debugging,debte,Arc flow,foot prints savage hunt and mind bending maze.
The Chief Guest of the of the event was Dr.A.Suruliandi,Director, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University,Tirunelveli. Dr.R.Rajesh, Principal of the college, Dr.A.Kalai Selvi head of the department, Mrs.Preethi A.R shared the dais. Delivering the Key note address the Chief Guest expressed latest trends and technologies that can help your organization make informed decisions that propel growth.
The second session of the meet has started with the first rounds of technical events which followed by the non-technical events. The day has come to an end with the valedictory session where the winners of all the events were given awards which was followed by a presentation of valedictory report by Dr.A.Kalai Selvi, Head of the Department and vote of thanks by the student Coordinator Mr.Deepak.S (II MCA).
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