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Recognized Under Section 2(f) of University Grants Commission, UGC Act 1956



AICTE Faculty ID
Associate Professor
Electronics and Communication Engineering
Rohini College of Engineering & Technology
B.E. (Electronics and Communication Engineering) - Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli - 2004.
M.E. (Communication Systems) - Noorul Islam College of Engineering, Kanyakumari - 2008.
Ph.D. (wireless sensor networks, Title of Thesis: Energy Optimized and Secured Video Transmission in Wireless Sensor Network) - St.Xaviers Catholic College of Engineering, Kanyakumari - 2020.
Total Years of Experience in Teaching :
20.4 Years
Subject Expertise :
Signals And Systems, Electromagnetic Fields, Medical Electronics, Transmission Lines And Wave Guide, Digital Communication etc
Research Area :
Wireless networks
Selected Publications (Any Three) :
  • Subotha, S. P., and M. Marsaline Beno. , (2018), 'Energy-Efficient Modified Cuckoo Search-Resource Allocation (MCS-RA) for Video Streaming Using Structure Sensor', Sensor Letters, 16 (7), pp.561-572.
Awards / Achievements / Recognitions :
  • Received Award of Appreciation for producing 95% results.
  • Presented a webinar on trends and Scope of VLSI on 17 june 2022 ,Organized by department of ECE, DMI College of Engineering Chennai.
  • Act as a Chair person for National Level Technical symposium organized by DMI Engineering College, Aralvoimozhy.
  • Act as a resource person for the guest lecture on Signal Processing Fundamentals at PET Engineering College, Vallioor.
  • Presented a guest lecture on Electromagnetic Radiations and its Effects at DMI Engineering College, Aralvoimozhy.
  • Guided more than 50 UG projects and more than 20 PG projects.
  • Attended Faculty development program Mission 10X conducted by WIPRO.
Other Contributions :
  • Act as a Coordinator for National level Technical Seminar Spazio β’ 20
  • Act as an Organizing Secretary for “International Conference On Networks, Electronics, communication and Control – ICONECC 2015”
  • Organized technical webinar.
Professional Body Membership Details :